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Help "Wenzhou South Power Distribution" | Power Quality Management Expert - Yide Technology

Datetime: 2018-07-28    Visit: 4604


Zhejiang Yide Technology Co., Ltd. assists"Wenzhou South Public Transport Hub"SVG infinite dynamic compensation power system

            It includes four items: regular bus, express bus, intercity short-distance passenger transport, and airport bus transfer hall.


Wenzhou South Railway Station Hub and officially opened on October 1,Power QualityBecome the most critical part of electric bus,Yide Technology The YDK-SVG static synchronous compensation device helps the safety of the bus terminal to be safe, energy-saving and clean. The engineers are on hand to help.。


(carefully complete each step)



(carefully complete each step)





The product details are the affirmation of quality. The presence of the service is the embodiment of the service. The action of the wrench is a guarantee of safety,which fully reflects the company's ability of “first-class technology, first-class products, first-class service”.







(SVG wiring)



(completed on site)



(completed on site)


    Russell once said: The great cause is rooted in the tenacity and constant work, and it is engaged in the spirit of fullness, not to avoid hardships. The same is true of our employees. We treat our work with a positive, tenacious spirit, work diligently, be meticulous in our work, not afraid of the cold winter, and improve the installation and modification of each product with a serious working attitude, even if it is cold again. Bitter is also aiming at work and accomplishing everything.