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Success case

FAW forging workshop compensation cabinet case

Datetime: 2018-07-28    Visit: 5197

 Renovation location: FAW forging workshop low-voltage power distribution Renovation unit: Zhejiang Yide Technology Co., Ltd.


   Transformer: 5600KVA

    Original power factor: around 0.7, target: above 0.95

    Load: 3 intermediate frequency furnaces

    Power: 3 intermediate frequency furnace power is 90KW

     The transformer inside the workshop of FAW forging low-voltage power distribution system is 5600KVA, the workshop has 3 intermediate frequency furnaces, and the power of the furnace is 90W. Due to the large number of intermediate frequency devices, and the operation of the intermediate frequency furnace is a higher frequency harmonic, which may lead to the failure of the electrical equipment or the voltage, current or frequency deviation, the contents includeFrequency deviation, voltage deviation, voltage fluctuation and flicker, three-phase unbalance, transient or transient over-voltage, waveform distortion (harmonics), voltage sag, interruption, spurt, and continuity of power supply。As a result, the power factor is low, power generation, transmission and distribution facilities are not fully utilized, and line losses are increased. It also brings economic losses to the company itself (the power factor is not up to the power supply bureau).

        According to the above analysis of the low-voltage distribution system of FAW forging workshop, due to the large system

Harmonic content,Leading to poor power quality, must be takenHarmonic suppressiondeal with. Improve the quality of the power grid and ensure the safe production of workshop equipment.

       My company'sIntelligent reactive power compensation adopts "zero-crossing switching"”Technology to ensure capacitanceNo cutting current, no overpressure, no arc,Moreover, it can meet the phase separation compensation of the three-phase unbalanced occasion; the "modular design" is divided into upper and lower split type module structures. This makes assembly and disassembly, maintenance and maintenance extremely convenient. Taking into account the situation of the user's site, our company will develop a modular anti-harmonic module solution.

Advantages and benefits after the transformation

1, governance reactive

1) Reduce users' own electricity expenses

2) Ensure that the power factor meets the national standard and avoid the power rate penalty due to the low power factor.

3) Reduce line loss and reduce voltage drop

2, control harmonics

1) Improve the quality of power supply, improve the reliability of equipment operation, and reduce the loss caused by equipment malfunction

2) Reduce line heating, reduce insulation aging, and improve safety and reliability of electricity consumption

3) Reduce the resonance probability of the compensation capacitor and ensure the normal operation of the communication system

3, governance three-phase imbalance

1) Avoid mid-line fever aging and even the risk of fire

2) Avoid false alarms caused by local voltage imbalance

3) Avoid the risk of zero-ground voltage causing the weakening of the weak system of the control system

1) Reduce the cost of electricity

Reasonable management of reactive energy consumption brings economic benefits to electricity management.

The energy billing mode based on the power factor assessment indicator encourages the user to minimize the consumption of reactive energy.

By installing a capacitor that improves the power factor in the electrical system, the consumer can reduce the reactive power consumption by less than the contract value with the power supply department to reduce the electricity bill.

2) Reduce investment and power consumption on electrical equipment

Increasing the power factor can reduce the power loss and voltage drop of the electrical system by using fewer capacitors, switching devices and cables.

A higher power factor can be optimized for each component of an electrical system.

Increasing the power factor can avoid overloading the equipment, but to achieve the best results, the compensation position should be as close as possible to the consumer.

4) Reduce cable size

Relationship between cable core cross-sectional magnification factor and cos&

5) Reduce losses in the cable

The loss in the cable is proportional to the square of the current and can be measured with an ammeter in an electrical system.

For example, the total current of the conductor is reduced by 10% and the loss is reduced by nearly 20%.

6) Reduce voltage drop

Capacitors for power factor improvement can reduce or even completely eliminate inductive reactive currents in the upstream conductor, thereby reducing or eliminating voltage drops. (Overcompensation will increase the voltage on the capacitor)

7) Increase the available power

By increasing the power factor of the load supplied by the transformer, less current flowing through the transformer can cause the transformer to carry more load. In fact, increasing the power factor is not necessarily more expensive than replacing a larger transformer.

to sum up

       Through actual cases, we can see that the company's program effectively suppresses harmonics, not only suppresses harmonics well, but also greatly improves the safety of the entire power distribution system, while reducing losses, excellent effects, and is worthy of widespread promotion. .