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The power of the national network on the “Belt and Road”: the world is getting smaller, the new realm of energy interconnection

Datetime: 2017-06-06    Visit: 8025
       In 2013, during his visit to Central Asia and Southeast Asian countries, President Xi Jinping proposed a major initiative to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. State Grid Corporation resolutely implements the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, actively implements the strategy of going global, promotes the interconnection of power grids, and builds the Belt and Road, and integrates into the pulse of world development through power grid technology output, infrastructure construction, overseas project investment, and social responsibility fulfillment. On the world map, China's national grid has been outstanding.
      Opened the world map. Over the past three years, more than 100 countries and international organizations have joined the Belt and Road circle of friends. The Belt and Road has been built from scratch, from point to point, in policy communication, facility connectivity, trade smoothness, capital finance, and people's hearts. In key areas, pragmatic cooperation has been continuously promoted to promote the prosperity and development of countries along the route.
Shu Yinbiao, chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China, pointed out that the State Grid Corporation is an important force in implementing national strategies such as the strategy of going global and the construction of the Belt and Road. Around the Belt and Road construction, the company should further develop the comprehensive advantages of standards, technology, investment, operation and management, strengthen the safe and stable operation of overseas assets, accelerate the interconnection and interconnection with neighboring national power grids, deepen international production capacity cooperation, and drive China's high-end power equipment industry to be more Participate in global competition on a large scale and strive to build innovative and leading enterprises with international competitiveness.
      State Grid Corporation regards the countries along the Belt and Road as the focus of overseas business expansion, and fully blossoms in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas and Oceania, giving full play to the advantages of enterprises and vigorously promoting international development. Technology, equipment, standards, talents and culture are all-round. Going out and achieving fruitful results.
The world is getting smaller, moving towards a new realm of energy connectivity
      From the map of the world, an economic belt that runs through Eurasia and extends eastward to the sea shines. The Belt and Road Initiative injects ancient Eastern wisdom into global economic growth and regional integration.
Because of the connection, the world is getting smaller.
In China, the contradiction between the uneven distribution of resources and load centers has been long-standing. The vast western region has abundant solar and wind energy resources. How to send the electricity they send to the eastern coastal areas thousands of kilometers away? The energy interconnection is bound Row. The birth of UHV provides a realistic path for energy flow between cities.
From west to east, from north to south, the exchange of electricity depicts a unique picture of the Chinese economy. With UHV as the channel, the clean energy in the west is transported to the central and eastern regions, which not only greatly promotes the development and consumption of clean energy in China, but also drives the western resource advantage into an economic advantage, which also brings opportunities for green development in the eastern region.
      We all know that the higher the voltage, the smaller the loss in transportation. Without the UHV, it is impossible to have such a long distance of power transmission. This is a very big contribution to the country. It should be said that it has also contributed a lot to the world. Wang Jiaxuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.
On the world map, the problem of uneven distribution of energy resources and demand centers also exists. In Asia, countries' economic growth is accelerating, power demand is strong, and the willingness to develop clean energy is strong. The economically developed European region is facing the problem of aging of power facilities and slowing economic growth. In Africa, the richness of clean energy is in stark contrast to local power shortages and poor infrastructure.
Electricity is an indispensable energy infrastructure for economic and social development. In the context of global economic growth, energy transformation, and resource shortages, the interconnection and interconnection of power grids around the world has become a major trend.
      On September 26, 2015, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the United Nations Development Summit, proposing to explore the construction of a global energy Internet to promote a global demand for electricity in a clean and green way. Relying on UHV transmission technology to meet long-distance and large-capacity power transmission, it provides strong support for realizing China's proposed Belt and Road Initiative and building a global energy Internet.
The global energy interconnection is not only an important platform for the world's energy economy and low carbon transformation, but also an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Some experts believe that relying on China's mature UHV technology to optimize the allocation of power resources on a global scale and establish a global power interconnection platform, which can promote comprehensive energy utilization, promote interconnection, and promote global capacity expansion and stimulate world economic growth. . Today, UHV has taken the lead of the Belt and Road, crossing the ocean and taking root in South America.
      Since entering the Brazilian market in 2010, the State Grid Corporation has invested and operated about 10,000 kilometers of transmission lines in Brazil and 6,000 kilometers of transmission lines under construction. UHV has become a business card for the Belt and Road to South America.
Egypt, a country known as the North African Eagle, has long been plagued by power shortages. All of this has changed radically in 2016. Looking at the banks of the Nile River, the EETC 500 kV backbone network upgrade project built by the CLP Equipment Company was superbly built. After the completion of the project, the local power outage time and scope were greatly reduced, providing a strong boost to the revitalization of Egyptian industry. The project not only spurred local employment, but also brought Egypt's advanced technology and ideas to transform the existing old grid in Egypt. Jiang Lixin, a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, said.
In addition to the fiery railway construction, an energy project has also received much attention in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. On April 20, 2015, the State Grid Corporation and the Ministry of Water and Electricity of Pakistan signed an agreement to jointly build the Mertiary-Lahore and Mertiary/Kassem Port-Faisalabad power transmission and transformation projects. The first high-voltage direct current transmission project in Pakistan will have a major impact on Pakistan's domestic economic structure. Experts said that the successful signing of the cooperation agreement is an important measure to implement the National One Belt and One Road initiative and will vigorously promote energy cooperation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
The Belt and Road Initiative has opened up the way for China to go global. Li Yining, a well-known economist, said that in the energy sector, we now have the ability to transport long-distance electricity. With the development of the global energy Internet, the power used in western China can be transported to South Asia through the global energy Internet. It also opens a path for the global interconnection of clean energy.
      The construction of the global energy Internet, through the extension of the large power grid and the interconnection of clean energy to solve outstanding problems such as power popularization and energy supply security, has been widely supported by neighboring countries along the Belt and Road.
      At the UN Asia-Pacific Energy Commission meeting, the Deputy Minister of Energy of Thailand, Buchaon said that the interconnection of power grids can achieve resource complementarity and regional balance, and effectively reduce electricity prices, which is beneficial to every country. This is the reason that no one can refuse. India's deputy minister of energy, Palasad, said that India and China's neighboring countries, the grid interconnection, can achieve a wider range of power optimization configuration and balance, providing India with clean, universal, low-cost power supply.
The pace of energy interconnection has accelerated. The State Grid Corporation has completed 10 transnational transmission lines such as China, Russia, China, Mongolia and China, strengthening research on interconnection with neighboring countries, and promoting research on multinational transmission projects such as Mongolian Ximengbao-China Hebei. In order to build consensus and build a platform for exchange and cooperation, in 2016, State Grid Corporation initiated the establishment of a global energy Internet development cooperation organization. This is the first international organization initiated by China in the energy sector, demonstrating the company's sense of responsibility in promoting global energy and low carbon transformation.
      At the same time, State Grid Corporation focused on its main business and actively engaged in energy infrastructure asset acquisitions. At present, the company has invested a total of about 15 billion US dollars in foreign investment and successfully invested in the backbone energy network of the Philippines, Brazil, Portugal, Australia, Italy and other countries. All projects have achieved profitability and are widely recognized by local society and regulatory agencies.

      The world is getting bigger, sharing grid technology and standard development results on a larger scale.
      On the Ethiopian national grid map, you can see a red transmission line from west to east, pointing directly to the Blue Nile. On December 22, 2015, the Ethiopian GDHA500 kV power transmission and transformation project under the general contracting construction of China National Power Grid Corporation of China State Grid Corporation was completed and delivered. The large-scale power transmission and transformation project, from technology, equipment to design and construction, was taken over by China State Grid Corporation. It is the first large-scale power transmission and transformation project by the State Grid Corporation of China to adopt complete sets of China's power technology and equipment construction.
      In the construction of the Belt and Road, the infrastructure industry chain is an important core, and the demand for infrastructure construction in the countries along the Belt and Road is extremely strong. The infrastructure construction demand has also directly driven upstream and downstream industrial enterprises to the world. With the in-depth implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, the export potential of power equipment in the form of complete equipment and engineering general contracting is huge.
      Based on its own advantages and foreign market demand, State Grid Corporation has set up an international capacity cooperation model from investment, technology, equipment to design and construction to drive China's electrical equipment, focusing on EPC general contracting of power transmission and transformation projects. Control and protection equipment, dispatch automation systems, high-end power electronics and other exports to 83 countries and regions, including Germany, Poland and other EU high-end markets. It has successively undertaken the construction of national key power grid projects in Ethiopia, Poland, Myanmar and Laos, and the quality of the project has been well received by the local government. Among them, the 500 kV delivery project of the Ethiopian Rehabilitation Dam Hydropower Station built by the State Grid Corporation was identified by the Ethiopian government as a youth patriotism education base. The World Bank and several African countries sent personnel to inspect and highly praised the quality and technical level of the project. Nanrui and Pinggao Group, owned by State Grid Corporation, set up factories in Brazil, Vietnam and India. These projects on the National Energy Cooperation Express have taken root overseas and benefited hundreds of millions of people. In 2016, the State Grid Corporation's newly signed international engineering general contracting, equipment export, and technical consulting contracts totaled US$3.3 billion, of which the Belt and Road countries exceeded US$2.3 billion.
      In the wave of Chinese companies striding out, the State Grid Corporation adhered to the concept of shared development, not only achieved a major breakthrough in its own technological development, but also comprehensively mastered the UHV core technology and complete equipment manufacturing capabilities, and realized UHV transformers and reactors. The development and manufacture of key equipment such as 6-inch thyristors and large-capacity converter valves have also driven the export of major technical equipment. In 2014, the United Power Grid Corporation and the Brazilian Power Company formed a consortium to win the project of Brazil's beautiful mountain hydropower UHV DC transmission project, and adopted the DC transmission equipment produced by TBEA, Xidian Group and other upstream and downstream industrial chain enterprises. The electrical company has handed out international business cards with high gold content.
       Zhang Meng, secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Xidian Switch Electric Co., Ltd., who has been cultivating the electrical equipment industry for many years, said that the UHV technology of the State Grid Corporation has promoted a huge breakthrough in top-level switch products, allowing Xikai to complete the process from manufacturing to creating and leading. The transformation and the smooth opening of the international market. At present, the products of Xikai Company cover Russia, Turkey, India, Egypt and other countries, and the international influence has increased significantly.
China's power industry's high-end production capacity goes out, not only in products, but more importantly in standards. On the one hand, the standard has improved the investment and operation level of overseas power grids. All of the State Grid Corporation's overseas projects have achieved profitability; on the other hand, it has promoted grid interconnection and Chinese equipment going out. Accelerate the successful completion of China's standards, allow more Chinese manufacturing to obtain passes to all parts of the world, and at the same time drive the transformation and upgrading of local manufacturing and enhance the endogenous driving force of economic and social development along the line.
       Masio ̇setman, former chairman of the DC Power Transmission and Power Electronics Committee of the International Large-Scale Power Grid Committee, said that standards will not be produced by themselves and that road openers will be required to lead the development and application of new technologies.
      China State Grid Corporation has always been one of the important pioneers. Since 2008, with the continuous breakthrough of UHV technology, the power of the State Grid Corporation in the international market has gradually emerged. The five new technical committees newly established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) were all initiated by China State Grid Corporation. Among the three international standards organizations, China served as the chairman of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and vice chairman of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The position of Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has become a permanent member of the IEC. Many Chinese experts have served as the chief experts of professional committees in the International Standards Organization, which has greatly enhanced China's right to speak international standards. As of March 2017, China submitted and established ISO/IEC standards close to 600, and State Grid Corporation led the preparation of 39 international standards.
At the same time, China's leading international standards such as UHV and new energy access have become important norms for global related engineering construction. The State Grid Corporation of China won the bid for the two-800 UHV DC project in Phase I and Phase II, and adopted a large number of Chinese standards; the 500 kV project for the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Hydropower Station, which was contracted, was built according to Chinese standards. The main equipment is 100% made in China.
In the future, we will promote the use of Chinese standards in the construction of major projects in the Belt and Road, promote the full chain of China's technology + China standards + China equipment + China construction, build infrastructure projects and demonstration projects, and expand the international influence of China's standards.
Going global with corporate technology standards will be a mutually beneficial and win-win situation for the world.
The world is in harmony, going out and going in
      The Belt and Road Initiative in China benefits the world.
      During the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, the infrastructure of the countries along the route has been significantly improved. People of different skin colors are closely connected by the construction of the Belt and Road.
      With the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the rapid development of the economy has brought about an increase in electricity consumption for residents along the line, and the demand for electricity construction in relevant countries will continue to grow.
      In participating in the construction of the Belt and Road, the State Grid Corporation attaches great importance to and cherishes the brand image of the company, strictly abides by the law, respects local culture, religion and customs, actively fulfills its social responsibilities, and has won recognition and respect from the government and the community.
The Belt and Road runs through Asia-Europe and Africa, the east is connected to the prosperous East Asian economic circle, and the west is into the developed European economic circle. Most of the distribution is in the emerging economies and developing countries. In many countries, the level of infrastructure construction is generally poor. Water, lack of electricity, and lack of roads have become a serious injury to the development of these countries. According to Wang Peng, a professor at North China Electric Power University, according to the conventional classification, the annual electricity consumption per capita in the world can be divided into 4 files, 10,000 degrees or more, 5000 to 10000 degrees, 2000 to 5000 degrees, and less than 2000 degrees. Most countries along the Belt and Road route are in the third and fourth gears. It is impossible to build high-speed rail without electricity. It is even worse to develop industrial power. Some countries along the Belt and Road are still like China in the 1980s. Many cities have three days of power supply for three days. Some countries have difficulty in supplying water after power failure.
       Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, the State Grid Corporation has accelerated the interconnection and interconnection of infrastructure including power grids, focused on key projects, and made breakthroughs in infrastructure interconnection, playing a fundamental role and demonstrating effects on promoting the construction of the Belt and Road.
Grumu from Ethiopia, Africa: If there is no Chinese to build a power grid here, I would not believe that the tower can be built so high, and there are so modern electrical equipment, although some equipment I have never seen before, but I know that it can change our lives, let us use electricity and watch the ball without worry. Now I can use TV, electric lights, washing machines and other equipment at the same time, and of course I can charge my mobile phone.
In Asia, on December 29, 2016, the Pakistani Motiari-Lahore ±660 kV DC transmission project cooperation agreement was officially signed in Beijing, marking the official entry into the full implementation phase. After the project is completed and put into production, it will facilitate the transmission of electricity from several power projects in southern Pakistan. The annual transmission capacity is about 35 billion kWh, which will alleviate the power shortage in Pakistan's most important economic center, Punjab and the capital Islamabad. Pakistan’s economic development has improved the living standards of the people in the relevant areas.
      State Grid Corporation adheres to the localization development, actively employs local employees, and treats employees from all countries through cultural integration. According to statistics, the national grid company's overseas investment and operation projects, the localization rate of employees reached 97%, which effectively promoted employment in the host country. In the State Grid Brazil holding company, the proportion of Chinese is less than 10%. The relevant person in charge of Bakong said: More important than engineering construction is the operation in the next few decades, which requires training and relying on local forces. The transmission and distribution business invested by State Grid Corporation is an infrastructure, which is related to Brazilian society and people's livelihood. A large number of local employees participate in production and management, which is conducive to the company's continuous and steady operation and subsequent business development.
      In Brazil, the State Grid Corporation actively fulfills its social responsibilities and promotes cultural and sports exchanges between China and Brazil, Brazilian youth education programs, cultural tours – the Slum Male symphony orchestra project, the International Youth Table Tennis Rio Tour, the China-Brazil Cultural Month, and Social welfare projects such as the four-season long-distance running have promoted understanding and win-win with local people and won the UN Global Compact Social Responsibility Management Best Practice Award.
In the Philippines, the State Grid Corporation actively participates in public welfare undertakings to support disaster relief, education, culture, and medical care. In 2014, Typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippine power grid. China National Grid Corporation sent technical experts to help the disaster recovery work. Such technical assistance reflects the social responsibility of Chinese state-owned enterprises. Wu Jiyun, assistant director of the Philippine State Grid Corporation, said. In Australia, Portugal, Georgia... The State Grid Corporation is also actively involved in environmental public welfare activities, funding private charities and the cause of the disabled, helping orphans return to their families and integrate into society.
The central enterprises represented by the State Grid Corporation participated in the construction of the Belt and Road, which has significantly improved the infrastructure of the countries along the route, boosted local employment, improved the living environment and promoted economic growth. Participating in the construction of the Belt and Road, accelerating the internationalization process of the State Grid Corporation, and deepening cooperation with countries along the route, the experience of international operations is more abundant, and the capabilities and levels are further enhanced. Participating in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative has also opened the door for local products to go to China and to the world. It has effectively promoted the process of globalization through trade exchanges, factor flows and humanities exchanges. The concepts of openness, inclusion, inclusiveness and sharing included in the Belt and Road Initiative provide a new model for achieving balanced development on a global scale.